Almost 3 months have passed since the beginning of works in Fogar Mozárabe and we want to show you the current situation, just now that we can see the structure naked and still without roof.
It has not been an easy start, with the months of October and November especially rainy in El Bierzo, but with patience everything begins to take shape. The facade, previously finished in brick, or at least a good part of it, has had to be redone in masonry. Here is the result while waiting for the roof:

We also want to show you a part of the work in the interior and the back, where we have opened the holes and finished all the foundation.
We have preserved details such as the mouth of the wood oven inside, which together with this beautiful structure, are the soul and history of this centennial home.

And this is the end of this little work diary. At the time of writing these lines we are installing the new roof together with Cubiertas San Clemente. With it the house will be protected for the next snowfalls and we will close this first stage of work and this rainy autumn that has wanted to complicate the process.
We leave you some photos of the Christmas crib made by our dear neighbor Loli. The winter cold arrives to the mountains of El Bierzo and with it, the magic.
Thanks for reading us, see you soon!

Without the Sun there would be no life, but neither would there be life without rain - Frey Juhn
Álvaro Docampo
Photographs: Gustavo Docampo